Drug Accelerator Awards

We need to accelerate and drive forward the development of novel drugs for the treatment of Parkinson’s.

These awards will help pioneer and accelerate novel drug development for the treatment of Parkinson’s, providing researchers the opportunity to generate the essential data and help bridge the gaps needed to get their projects/compounds ready to enter full scale drug discovery with an industry partner or the Parkinson’s Virtual Biotech.

We are looking for projects that will have a clear focus on translational drug development to make a difference to those affected by Parkinson’s.



Round 1 - 2024

The deadline for this round has passed.

Round 2 - 2024

The deadline for preproposal applications is Tuesday 3 September 2024, by 4pm.

The deadline for full applications is Thursday 31 October 2024, by 4pm for applicants who are successful at the preproposal stage.

Please email [email protected] for a copy of the preproposal application.


Duration and value

The duration of a grant is between 12 to 18 months.

There is no minimum award amount and the maximum award amount is £150,000.

For projects involving in vivo work, an award amount of up to £200,000 will be considered.



Sign up to our virtual workshop on Friday 12 July at 11am to find out more about the scheme and the types of projects we are looking to fund. You'll be able to discuss your research ideas with members of the Parkinson's UK research and Virtual Biotech drug discovery team.



Grants are tenable only at a UK university, NHS Trust or small start-up biotech companies.

Principal applicants should hold employment contracts that extend beyond the period of the grant.

Co-applicants and collaborators may be based at institutions outside the UK or biotech companies. 

We will only accept one resubmission of an application. Please refer to the information for applicants for more details.



In 2023, the charity received 17 preproposal applications, 10 of these were invited to submit a full application, and 3 applications were recommended for funding.

You can download the latest list of all our active research projects.

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