Donate to Parkinson's UK

We won't stop. Your donation will mean we can keep providing tailored information and support, funding the most promising research to find a cure, and campaigning for fairer treatment.

We can’t do it without you. Will you help us be there for everyone with Parkinson’s? 

Giving monthly means we can plan ahead and agree to fund long-term projects. 

£50 could fund the cost to support someone to cope with a new Parkinson's diagnosis, through an in-depth call and follow up support from one of our skilled helpline advisers. 

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Meet Alison 

Alison worked as a nurse in neurology and as a health visitor. In 2018, she started to experience stiffness that made it hard to brush her teeth and eventually developed a tremor. 

"It took me about 3 months for me to get diagnosed. I remember the consultant gave me some leaflets, but I just threw them in the bin because I didn't want to know at that point." 

Alison accessed the First Steps programme, run by Parkinson's UK. 

"I was able to join the Parkinson's UK First Steps programme face to face which I really enjoyed. I found it really helpful after my diagnosis. My advice to someone who has just been diagnosed would be to go to First Steps and fit Parkinson's around your life, not the other way around!"

Alison has retired and started her own business since her diagnosis and has become involved in different areas of the Parkinson's community. 

"For the first time, I am thinking more about my needs rather than being consumed by everyone else's needs. However, I still have some superwoman tendencies!" 

Your donations make a difference

Last year, over 19,000 people called the Parkinson's UK Helpline and we were able to provide advice to help people, like Alison, through a difficult time. This is only possible because of the generosity of people like you. 

  • £17 can provide tailored and expert information and support to a person with Parkinson's for a whole month, through our Parkinson's Local Adviser service. 
  • £50 could fund the cost to support someone with a new Parkinson's diagnosis, through an in-depth call and follow-up support from one of our skilled helpline advisers. 
  • £75 could fund places for 5 health and care professionals to our introductory online education courses, meaning they can offer better support to people with Parkinson's

Your gift will mean we can continue to be there for every step of Alison's Parkinson's journey. Help us be there for everyone's Parkinson's journey. 

We can’t do it without you. Will you give a gift today?

Help us reach more people with Parkinson's

Your donations can make an even bigger difference with a monthly gift. Setting up a monthly gift means we can plan ahead and invest in long-term projects. It will ensure our support services keep running. 

Set up and manage your regular gift and find out more about what we'll achieve.