Executive pay at Parkinson's UK

Information about senior staff salaries at Parkinson's UK, including the chief executive and Executive Leadership team's pay and how salaries are governed.

At Parkinson's UK, we're committed to employing staff with the expertise, skills and knowledge needed to improve life with Parkinson's.

We pay a fair and appropriate salary to attract and keep the best people with the right leadership experience.

In our commitment to openness, we are happy to disclose information about senior staff salaries.

Our work is dependent on voluntary donations. In our financial responsibilities and transactions, we act openly and transparently in a way that respects the money, time and energy given by donors and volunteers.

How senior salaries are governed 

The salaries of the chief executive and directors are agreed by the Board of Trustees. The trustees also have oversight of the charity's pay processes. This is reviewed on an annual basis.

Salaries need to be competitive within the charity sector but we do not compete on pay with the public or private sectors.

We have always set out the pay bands for staff earning more than £60,000 per annum in our annual report and accounts

Salary bands for key management personnel

Salary bands for our key management personnel are included in the table below. This is taken from the annual accounts at the end of each year.

Our key management personnel in 2023 were our Executive Leadership Team and 12 associate directors. Total remuneration for the key management personnel in 2023 was £2,118,154 (2022: £1,674,761).

Salary band 2023 (number of staff) 2022 (number of staff) 2021 (number of staff)
£60,001 to £70,000 15 10 8
£70,001 to £80,000 5 4 2
£80,001 to £90,000 3 2 3
£90,001 to £100,000 0 1 3
£100,001 to £110,000 3 2 1
£120,001 to £130,000 0 1 1
£130,001 to £140,000 1 2 0
£140,001 to £150,000 1 0 0

Our trustees are volunteers and do not receive any earnings for their services, but may claim reasonable expenses incurred through attending meetings or other duties. 

Gender and ethnicity pay reports

Parkinson's UK is committed to becoming a more equal, diverse and inclusive organisation. Every year, we publish a gender pay report and an ethnicity pay report.

Get in touch

If you would like more information or have any questions, you can email our company secretary at [email protected].