New guidelines urge clinicians to address gambling-related harms when supporting people with Parkinson’s Date 14 March 2025
Unique award could revolutionise use of exercise as Parkinson's treatment Date 24 April 2019 News about joint work with the Scottish Government to research exercise and impact it has on Parkinson's.
Caption Researcher with person with Parkinson's Experimental spinal stimulation shows promise for reducing freezing Date 23 April 2019 Results from a trial of spinal cord stimulation carried out in Ontario, Canada highlights its potential for improving walking in Parkinson's.
World Parkinson's Day survey reveals harassment faced by people with Parkinson's Date 11 April 2019 Figures released on World Parkinson's Day reveal astonishing levels of harassment and discrimination faced by people with Parkinson's.
‘Super smeller’ research moves us closer to a diagnostic test for Parkinson’s Date 19 March 2019 Researchers have identified small molecules secreted by the skin that are maybe responsible for a unique scent in people with Parkinson's.
Deep brain stimulation boosts the strength of brain cell batteries Date 13 March 2019 Research shows that deep brain stimulation may help boost energy levels in Parkinson’s brain cells by increasing the size of mitochondria.
GDNF clinical trial offers hope for restoring brain cells damaged in Parkinson’s Date 27 February 2019 The pioneering GDNF clinical trials programme delivered an experimental treatment directly to the brain. The trial results offer hope that it may be possible to restore the cells damaged in Parkinson’s.
New trial to test if a probiotic drink could improve symptoms Date 11 February 2019 Researchers at King’s College London are starting a world-first clinical trial to test if a probiotic drink could help with motor and non-motor symptoms of Parkinson's.
Services struggling to meet the needs of people with Parkinson's in Scotland Date 5 February 2019 New report on services in Scotland.
New research on levodopa's influence on Parkinson's progression Date 30 January 2019 A clinical trial has produced further evidence that there is no benefit of delaying levodopa therapy.
Steps towards new drugs to improve symptoms and slow Parkinson’s Date 30 January 2019 We’re investing a further £1.5million to advance pioneering drug discovery work to develop new molecules that can both improve symptoms and slow progression.