Parkinson's Disease Awareness Film (Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust) This short film from Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust highlights the importance of getting the administration of Parkinson's medication right.
NICE Parkinson's disease quality standard [QS164] This quality standard covers the management of Parkinson's in adults. It does not include treatment of parkinsonism not caused by Parkinson's. It describes high-quality care in priority areas for improvement.
Methods used to estimate the incidence and prevalence of Parkinson's in the UK report This report describes in detail the methodology used to generate the incidence and prevalence data for the Excellence Network data dashboards.
Providing better support to people with Parkinson's in the community and preventing unnecessary hospital admissions This interactive guide, developed using feedback from Excellence Network members, looks at how you can prevent unnecessary hospital admissions for people with Parkinson's.
Quick Reference Cards (UK) for physiotherapists These Quick Reference Cards (UK) are for a physiotherapist to use when working with people with Parkinson's. They show how to take a patient's history, do a physical examination, and plan and carry out physiotherapy treatment.
The Parkinson's Disease Questionnaire (PDQ-39) This questionnaire assesses how often people with Parkinson's experience difficulties across 8 dimensions of daily living.
Unified Dyskinesia Rating Scale (UDysRS) This scale evaluates the involuntary movements that can be associated with long term treatment with dopaminergic medication.
Unified Dystonia Rating Scale (UDRS) The rating scale allows clinicians to evaluate the level of dystonia experienced by people affected by Parkinson's.
Parkinson's disease sleep scale (PDSS - 2) This rating scale enables health and social care professionals to quantify the level of sleep disruption in order to determine treatment.
Parkinson's Disease Fatigue Scale (PFS-16) This rating scale can be used to assess levels of fatigue and measure any changes that treatment or lifestyle changes may effect.