UK Parkinson's Audit: Transforming Care
The UK Parkinson's Audit is the recognised quality improvement tool for Parkinson's services.
Registration for the 2025 Audit is now closed.
The registration period for the 2025 UK Parkinson's Audit is now over. The registration site will re-open on 1 May for data entry. The information below sets out the next steps in the Audit and describes what is required of eligible services.
Contact us at [email protected] if you have any questions.
Key dates
- Thursday 1 May to Tuesday 30 September 2025: Audit data collection and submission period.
- Friday 31 October 2025: deadline for Audit data submission.
Registered services: what happens next?
Data collection for the 2025 Audit starts on 1 May. From this date, you'll be able to log in and complete your service audit and also start data entry for the patient audit.
Printable versions of the patient case form will be available for download here from 1 May if you'd like to collect your data on paper first.
You'll receive your Audit pack of Patient Reported Experience Measure (PREM) questionnaire materials to the address nominated on your enrolment form by 1 May.
From 1 May, new users will be able to create an account on the system and connect to registered services to input and review data for those services.
Service eligibility and guidance documents
Elderly care, neurology, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech and language therapy and in-patient pharmacy services can take part in the 2025 Audit.
Eligibility criteria
- Your elderly care or neurology service sees patients with idiopathic Parkinson's who've been referred to you in connection with their Parkinson's.
- At least 20 of these people will be seen during the 5 month data collection and submission period: Thursday 1 May to Tuesday 30 September 2025.
- Your service is responsible for these people's ongoing management, for example, not seen as a tertiary referral for advice.
- Your service, or multidisciplinary group of services taking part, is able to return at least 10 Patient reported experience measure (PREM) questionnaires. This is a short 10 question paper form which allows patients to express their views of their service. The PREM can be completed by any of your patients with Parkinson's, even if they haven't been included in the clinical audit.
Note that in-patients shouldn't be included in the Audit.
Elderly care and neurology service guidance document
You'll find the Audit questions, the standards being audited and the Audit background and methodology in this document.
Download the Elderly care and neurology guidance document (PDF, 477KB).
Definition of a service
An Audit site is a service provided to a geographical area and cohort of patients by a consultant or group of consultants with or without a Parkinson's nurse, or by Parkinson's nurses alone without consultant input, regardless of who commissions the constituent parts.
Consultants and Parkinson's nurses are best placed to decide what constitutes a discrete service.
Clinicians working across more than one discrete service should register separate services. For example, a consultant working with different Parkinson's nurses in different commissioning or geographical areas.
Contact us with any queries at [email protected].
Eligibility criteria
- Your occupational therapy service sees patients with idiopathic Parkinson's who've been referred to you in connection with their Parkinson's.
- At least 10 of these people will be seen during the 5 month data collection and submission period: Thursday 1 May to Tuesday 30 September 2025. This can be for a review appointment, active intervention or as newly referred patients undergoing full assessment.
- Your service, or multidisciplinary group of services taking part, is able to return at least 10 Patient reported experience measure (PREM) questionnaires. This is a short 10 question paper form which allows patients to express their views of their service. The PREM can be completed by any of your patients with Parkinson's, even if they haven't been included in the clinical audit.
Note that in-patients should not be included in the Audit.
Occupational therapy service guidance document
You'll find the Audit questions, the standards being audited and the Audit background and methodology in this document.
Download the Occupational therapy guidance document (PDF, 418KB).
Definition of a service
For the purposes of the Audit, a 'service' is that administered from 1 office, regardless of how many different teams and geographical areas feed into their referrals.
Contact us with any queries at [email protected].
Eligibility criteria
- Your physiotherapy service sees patients with idiopathic Parkinson's who've been referred to you in connection with their Parkinson's.
- At least 10 of these people will be seen during the 5 month data collection and submission period: Thursday 1 May to Tuesday 30 September 2025. This can be for a review appointment, active intervention or as newly referred patients undergoing full assessment.
- Your service, or multidisciplinary group of services taking part, is able to return at least 10 Patient reported experience measure (PREM) questionnaires. This is a short 10 question paper form which allows patients to express their views of their service. The PREM can be completed by any of your patients with Parkinson's, even if they haven't been included in the clinical audit.
Note that in-patients should not be included in the Audit.
Physiotherapy service guidance document
You'll find the Audit questions, the standards being audited and the Audit background and methodology in this document.
Download the Physiotherapy guidance document (PDF, 381KB).
Definition of a service
For the purposes of the Audit, a 'service' is that administered from 1 office, regardless of how many different teams and geographical areas feed into their referrals.
Contact us with any queries at [email protected].
Eligibility criteria
- Your speech and language therapy service sees patients with idiopathic Parkinson's who've been referred to you in connection with their Parkinson's.
- At least 10 of these people will be seen during the 5 month data collection and submission period: Thursday 1 May to Tuesday 30 September 2025. This can be for a review appointment, active intervention or as newly referred patients undergoing full assessment.
- Your service, or multidisciplinary group of services taking part, is able to return at least 10 Patient reported experience measure (PREM) questionnaires. This is a short 10 question paper form which allows patients to express their views of their service. The PREM can be completed by any of your patients with Parkinson's, even if they haven't been included in the clinical audit.
Note that in-patients should not be included in the Audit.
Speech and language therapy service guidance document
You'll find the Audit questions, the standards being audited and the Audit background and methodology in this document.
Download the Speech and language therapy guidance document (PDF, 433KB).
Definition of a service
For the purposes of the Audit, a 'service' is that administered from 1 office, regardless of how many different teams and geographical areas feed into their referrals.
Contact us with any queries at [email protected].
Eligibility criteria
- Your service manages time critical medication for patients with Parkinson's.
- At least 10 of these people will be seen during the 5 month data collection and submission period: Thursday 1 May to Tuesday 30 September 2025.
In-patient pharmacy service guidance document
You'll find the Audit questions, the standards being audited and the Audit background and methodology in this document.
Download the In-patient pharmacy service guidance document (PDF, 329KB).
Contact us with any queries at [email protected].
"Our Speech and language therapy team have fully embraced the role of the Audit nationally and have already seen the benefits for our patients of embedding some of the findings. I would encourage all services involved in Parkinson’s care to get involved!"
Clare Ramsey, Service and Operational Lead for Adult Speech & Language Therapy, Hertfordshire Community NHS Trust
"The Audit really made me think about our patients, carers and what we are doing and very importantly what and how to do better. You get an accurate picture of how your service is doing; we learned a lot about our service - things we hadn’t thought about. It helps to focus on what is being done, how good it is, what the gaps are and how to improve for everyone."
Simon Cooper, Consultant Geriatrician, Clinical Lead for Parkinson’s Disease, Somerset NHS Foundation Trust
Benefits of taking part in the Audit
Services that have taken part in previous audit cycles have told us the key benefits the Audit has given them:
- Benchmark the quality of your service against similar services across the UK.
- Quick and simple data entry and short question sets.
- Your local results are evidence you can use to lobby for more support, or in grant applications.
- Participation opens the door to taking part in our UK-wide service improvement projects.
Past Audits
Explore the findings from past audit cycles up to 2022. You can also view the UK Parkinson's Audit data dashboards.
News for professionals
Keep up to date with what’s happening around the Excellence Network.