Time critical medication in Parkinson’s: guide for nurse in charge or ward staff A guide to support the nurse in charge and ward staff in implementing time critical Parkinson’s medication management.
Ambulance service factsheet A factsheet of advice on getting people with Parkinson’s their medication on time when they’re being transported to hospital.
UK Parkinson's Audit data dashboards These dashboards display data from the 2022 UK Parkinson's Audit. They can be filtered by audit question, clinical specialty, and geographically by Parkinson's UK Excellence Network regions.
Emergency management of patients with Parkinson's Guidance on how to manage patients with Parkinson's in an emergency situation. Professionals who don’t see people with Parkinson's day-to-day may find this especially useful.
A toolkit for detecting and managing Parkinson’s dementia This toolkit aims to provide information on how to detect and manage Parkinson’s dementia in clinic.
Better bone health resources Learn about bone health in Parkinson’s, the Bone health service improvement project, and access information and resources for professionals.
The Dashboard Vitals of Parkinson’s: Not to Be Missed Yet an Unmet Need This paper from the Journal of Personalised Medicine highlights the role that a dashboard can play as part of an annual review to ensure continuing good care for people with Parkinson’s.
Your patient with Parkinson's: Providing evidence to benefits assessors This resource is a useful guide if you are asked to provide evidence to support a patient's benefits claim.
Moving Medicine Moving Medicine is the ultimate resource to help healthcare professionals integrate physical activity conversations into routine clinical care.
Caring for your resident with Parkinson's booklet This booklet is for care home staff, and has all the information you need about Parkinson's – and how to best care for someone with the condition.