Parkinson's: A guide for home care workers This booklet, for home care / domicilliary care workers, looks at the symptoms of Parkinson's, treatments available and their potential side effects.
Caring for your patient with Parkinson's booklet This booklet is for hospital staff. It tells you everything you need to know about Parkinson's, and how to provide the highest quality care for patients on your ward.
The Essence (EconomicS-of-Social-carE-CompEndium) Toolkit This toolkit aims to help those shaping services and treatments for adult people with social care needs, and their carers, to make informed decisions about which services and treatments to provide and how much they cost.
University of Plymouth telerehab toolkit The University of Plymouth telerehab toolkit is designed to support health and social care practitioners in the remote assessment and management of people with movement impairment and physical disability, including people recovering from Coronavirus (COVID-19).
Occupational therapy referral menu for people with Parkinson's This occupational therapy (OT) referral menu highlights common day to day concerns of people living with Parkinson’s and can be used when referring them to occupational therapy. It is designed to raise awareness, support higher quality referral data and increase rates of access to occupational therapists for people with Parkinson’s.
Guidance on psychological interventions for people with Parkinson's Developed by The British Psychological Society, in partnership with Lancaster University, this evidence-based guidance outlines evidence-based recommendations for professionals providing psychological support to individuals living with Parkinson's.
King's Parkinson's Pain Questionnaire (KPPQ) The KPPQ is a patient-based questionnaire allowing people with Parkinson's to self-rate the type and severity of pain they are experiencing.
King's Parkinson's Disease Pain Scale (KPPS) The King's Parkinson's Pain Scale evaluates the type and intensity of pain in people with Parkinson's.
Parkinson's UK Excellence Network Map A map of the Parkinson's UK Excellence Network, showing the leads of each of the 22 Local Parkinson's UK Excellence Network groups and the Excellence Network Clinical Leads.
Mental health and wellbeing resources for health and social care professionals Links to NHS staff mental health and wellbeing support from the health authorities of the 4 countries of the UK.