Exploring motivation problems in people with Parkinson’s
A PhD researcher at the University of Birmingham is investigating motivation in people with Parkinson’s. The research aims to develop a better understanding of the brain processes that control motivation problems, such as apathy, and to contribute to developing new tests for these symptoms.
• 100 people with Parkinson’s who are able to travel to the University of Birmingham
• Unfortunately people with other neurological conditions such as dementia are unable to take part
Taking part in 2 research visits to the University of Birmingham
• For one visit you will be asked to go ‘off’ your medication in the morning. You can listen to people with Parkinson’s experiences of being ‘off’ medication for research purposes here.
• If you are unable to go ‘off’ your medication you will only take part in the one visit ‘on’ your medication
• The sessions will involve completing surveys, an assessment of your Parkinson’s symptoms and a decision-making task
• Each session will last up to 2.5 hours
• You will receive up to £35 per visit for taking part and travel costs will be reimbursed
For more information, please read the participant information sheet.
Interested in taking part?
Please contact Jamie Talbot by phone at 07941 226 889 or by email at [email protected].
The deadline for taking part in this research is 31 October 2025.
University of Birmingham
University of Birmingham
Centre for Human Brain Health, School of Psychology
B15 2TT
United Kingdom