We're transforming health and care services for people with Parkinson's across the UK.
We bring together and support health and social care professionals to share best practice, provide resources and education, and drive improvements to services for people with Parkinson’s and their families.
Join our Excellence Network to collaborate with the Parkinson's community and continue to learn about Parkinson's.
Toolkits, booklets, ratings scales and videos to help you in your practice and to learn more about Parkinson's.
Explore our free education courses and programmes for professionals.
We have regional groups across the UK, and special interest Excellence Hubs.
Find out about Excellence Network events and external conferences.
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Apply for our funding for professionals or services, for continuing professional development or service improvement.
Stay connected
Basecamp: our online network
Don't have time to go to a regional network meeting or an Excellence Hub meeting? Our Excellence Network and our groups use the online collaboration platform, Basecamp, for ongoing virtual networking, project work and sharing resources.
You'll be invited to register on Basecamp when you contact us about joining our Excellence Network. Email us at [email protected].
Join the conversation on X
We post about news, resources, research and important deadlines. Follow us on X (previously Twitter) @ParkinsonsEN.
Got a question?
Email us at [email protected] and we'll be happy to help.
For your patients with Parkinson's
Whether it's help with the current cost of living, finding local activities and services, or support with a new diagnosis, there is information that can help your patients with Parkinson's.
People with Parkinson’s have told us they want to hear more from healthcare professionals about research. Find out about the many ways you can share research opportunities with your patients.
Find out more about our Network
Pushing for better health and care is the area of the Parkinson's UK strategy that our Excellence Network is working to fulfil through 3 key priorities:
- Integrated multidisciplinary care: sufficient staff back up with appropriate learning
The Complete care for Parkinson's programme is delivering new specialist nurse and therapist posts, service improvement projects and support with data and evidence, and supercharged regional networks. Alongside an Access To Care campaign to help people with Parkinson's navigate the health system.
- Time critical medication
Patients with Parkinson’s are at risk of significant harm if they don’t get their medication on time, every time. Yet just 42% of people with Parkinson’s say they always get their medication on time, every time, when they’re in hospital (2022 UK Parkinson’s Audit).
The Get It On Time campaign continues to influence health policy, and our Time critical medication programme is developing an ongoing series of service improvement resources and educational material to support hospitals with administering Parkinson's medication on time. Explore our Time critical medication resources.
- Access to treatments and medical technology
We believe all people with Parkinson’s should have access to the treatments they need no matter who they are and where they live. Healthcare professionals understand the medical technologies that could help people manage their condition and these technologies are available through the NHS. This element of the strategic work involves gathering evidence and developing education and resources for health professionals and people with Parkinson's, to achieve the vision.
Meet our Clinical Leadership Team
Meet the team, read how they got involved with Parkinson's, and why they stepped forward to take up a leadership role in our Network.
Let's keep in touch
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