The Parkinson's Disease Questionnaire (PDQ-39)

This questionnaire assesses how often people with Parkinson's experience difficulties across 8 dimensions of daily living.

Last reviewed
Resource type
  • Tools
  • Doctor (Geriatrician)
  • Doctor (Neurologist)
  • Nurse (other)
  • Nurse (Parkinson's nurse)
  • Occupational therapist
  • Social care assessor
  • Complex
  • End of life
  • Maintenance

The 39 item questionnaire offers a patient reported measure of health status and quality of life and is the most frequently used disease-specific health status measure.

The Parkinson's Disease Questionnaire (PDQ-39) assesses how often people with Parkinson's experience difficulties across 8 dimensions of daily living including relationships, social situations and communication.

It also assesses the impact of Parkinson's on specific dimensions of functioning and wellbeing.

The questionnaire can help the health and social care professional to explore the wider impact of Parkinson's on a person's quality of life, and be revisited to detect any changes following treatment.

A licence is required for use of the PDQ-39, however this is free of charge for certain uses including publicly funded healthcare or academic study. The Parkinson’s Disease Questionnaire (PDQ) has been widely validated and translated into over 70 languages.

Please visit Oxford University Innovation for further information about the PDQ-39 and short form PDQ-8 and the PDQ-Carer. Telephone interview versions of the PDQ instruments have also been developed for remote assessments. Details of the licence application process can be found on these pages. Please email: [email protected] for further information.

Download a sample copy of the PDQ-39 Questionnaire (PDF, 179KB)