Parkinson's nurse Learning Library: non-clinical
Most courses and resources will indicate the general theme covered, the band level it is suitable for and the Knowledge and Skills Framework areas it covers.
Parkinson’s: train the trainer
Learn how to deliver a 3 hour training session on Parkinson’s to your colleagues. Train the trainer consists of 2 courses (focusing on learning content and presentation) and a webinar. Once completed, you'll receive access to the necessary learning materials to deliver your training sessions.
- Provided by the Parkinson's UK Excellence Network
- Bands 5 to 8 - course themes: Delivering & planning education
- Specialist competency 1, 3, 5 to 10, 11 x 4, 12
- Knowledge and Skills Framework Core 1 to 6 in part Level 2/3
- Health and Wellbeing in part
- General 1 Level 1
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