Share your vision for the future of the NHS in England

The government has started the largest conversation in the history of the NHS by inviting the public and organisations to tell them what should be in its 10 year health plan for England.

The proposed plan centres on 3 changes to the way health and care services work:

  • Moving more care from hospitals to communities.
  • Making better use of technology in health and care.
  • Focusing on preventing a worsening of illness, as well as treating it.

Parkinson's UK has hosted workshops for the Parkinson's community to hear their views and inform our response to the government.

You can read about this activity here.

We've now developed an information sheet for health and social care professionals to guide you in sharing your own individual, professional views via the ChangeNHS website.

Go to the information sheet for health and social care professionals.

If you've got any questions about this consultation, contact Sam Freeman Carney, Health Policy and Improvement Lead, Parkinson's UK ([email protected]).

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