Health and care professionals Learning Library

This collection of courses and resources aims to signpost health and care professionals to learning opportunities. These are from both the Parkinson's UK Excellence Network and external providers.

As health and care professionals, many of us struggle to find the right learning opportunities to develop our knowledge and skills in Parkinson’s care. To make it easier to identify and access appropriate learning, Parkinson’s UK has collaborated with health and social care colleagues to create this bespoke library for health and care staff. This brings together all available professional development and CPD opportunities in one place.

It’s important that people living with Parkinson’s experience the right care of the highest quality from staff who understand their condition, so please explore, learn and share with your colleagues.

Tracey Anderson, Virtual Learning Manager at Parkinson's UK


The next Learning Library review is scheduled for July 2025.

If you have any questions about this content, please email the Education team at [email protected].


Please share your feedback on this Learning Library via this quick survey.


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