Parkinson's nurse Learning Library: further learning

Most courses and resources will indicate the band level it is suitable for.

Online courses

This free online course focuses on the importance of Parkinson’s medications being given on time, with a particular focus for staff who don’t administer medications. This should take a minimum of 1 hour to complete.

Sign up to Get It On Time – Parkinson’s medication for staff who don’t administer.

  • Provided by the Parkinson's UK Excellence Network
  • Bands 5 and 8

This 15 minute bitesize course for mental health service professionals provides you with a background to understanding Parkinson's and how the condition can affect mental health.

Access Mental health: Parkinson's Essentials

  • Provided by the Parkinson's UK Excellence Network
  • Bands 5 and 8

This 3 hour course provides information and education about Parkinson's that you can apply to your professional area in mental health services. You can use this to enhance your clinical practice in supporting a person with Parkinson's and their support network.

Sign up to Parkinson’s: mental health.

  • Provided by the Parkinson's UK Excellence Network.
  • Bands 5 and 8

Providing an overview of different types of research and the clinical research process, this course is suitable for anyone wanting to know more about how research trials are carried out, to increase their confidence in talking to patients about research or starting a career in research. This should take a maximum of 3 hours to complete.

Sign up to Introduction to clinical research. 

  • Provided by National Institute for Health Research
  • Bands 5 and 8

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