Parkinson's UK Excellence Network Awards

The Parkinson’s UK Excellence Network Awards celebrate outstanding health and social care services for people with Parkinson’s.

Here you'll see the winners from the last awards in 2023, along with highlights from the exciting awards ceremony.

Our next Excellence Network Awards

We're hoping to progress with planning for the next Excellence Network Awards very soon. We'll make an announcement as soon as we can, so keep checking back here for updates!

Excellence Network Awards 2023

In 2023 we expanded the award categories to better reflect the diverse teams of professionals who support people with Parkinson’s. The following awards were for health or social care professionals or their service:

  • Innovation in practice
  • Sharing learning and education
  • Person centred approach
  • Community support.

The following awards were for people with Parkinson's to recognise the great care they’ve received. Or a health or social care professional who wants to recognise a colleague:

  • People's choice award
  • Lifetime achievement award.

The awards ceremony took place on Wednesday 22 November 2023 at Birmingham Botanical Gardens. It was also live-streamed on YouTube.

About the Awards

Since 2015, the Parkinson’s UK Excellence Network has been bringing together health and social care professionals to transform care for the Parkinson’s community.

The awards recognise the hard work and ingenuity of outstanding individuals, teams and services that make a difference to people with Parkinson’s, and the people who love and care for them.

Our Awards sponsors in 2023

In 2023, we were delighted to have 3 wonderful sponsors on board.

Previous awards and winners

Find out about the exceptional work of Excellence Network Awards winners from previous years.

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