Mental health: Parkinson's Essentials

A free 15-minute online, interactive course for mental health professionals exploring what Parkinson's is and how you can support your patients.

15 Minutes
Event / learning type
Continuing professional development

Who is the course for?

Mental health professionals.

About the course

This self-directed, introductory course for mental health professionals will develop your knowledge and understanding of Parkinson’s through videos, interactive resources, and online information. Working through the learning material at a pace that suits you, you will have opportunities to reflect on your current practice, gain insights into how a Parkinson's diagnosis can impact a person’s mental health and consider the side effects that Parkinson’s medication can have.

We understand that it's impossible to cover every aspect of such a complex condition in just 15 minutes. Therefore, at the end of the course, we have provided you with further reading and course recommendations to continue your learning.



What will you learn?

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Describe common symptoms of Parkinson’s (motor and non-motor)
  • Recognise that Parkinson's medication is time critical and can have side effects that may impact your patients' mental health
  • Recognise that psychological difficulties experienced by people with Parkinson's are a complex interplay between neurobiological, psychological and social factors
  • Identify the ways in which people's mental health is impacted following a Parkinson's diagnosis
  • Access further learning to support you in your role


Our thanks go to Dr Ruth Lewis-Morton, Clinical Psychologist from Cardiff and Vale University Health Board, Dr Kaanthan Jawahar, Consultant Liaison and Neuropsychiatrist from Royal Derby Hospital, and Dr Liz Hudson, Advanced Clinical Fellow, South Manchester Parkinson's Service for their input in the development and review of this course.