Edinburgh Parkinson's Lecture 2024

Join Richelle Flanagan, a dietician and a person with Parkinson's, as she delivers the 2024 Edinburgh Parkinson's lecture, with a focus on nutrition and diet.

1 evening
Event / learning type
Continuing professional development

This year’s Edinburgh Parkinson’s Lecture will be delivered by Richelle Flanagan, who is a person with Parkinson’s, a dietitian and a World Parkinson Congress Ambassador.

Richelle is an Irish state-registered Dietitian who has been practising for 18 years. She is a past President of the Irish Nutrition and Dietetic Institute, the professional body for Dietitians in Ireland. Her lecture will focus on how nutrition and diet can help people with Parkinson's live better with the condition.

The lecture will take place on the evening of Tuesday 17 September at the Royal College of Physicians in Edinburgh and online. 

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