Health and care professionals Learning Library: understanding Parkinson's and providing support
Parkinson's is a complex neurological condition that gets worse over time. Explore the following courses and resources to learn more about Parkinson's and how you can provide appropriate support.
An Introduction to Parkinson's
- Provided by the Parkinson's UK Excellence Network.
A 1 hour live webinar providing a background on the condition, the most common symptoms, and how best to support people with Parkinson's. The webinar is delivered by our volunteer educators, who have lived experience of Parkinson's or are caring for someone with Parkinson's. This is aimed at teams of healthcare professionals, staff in nursing and care homes, and home care agencies.
Visit An Introduction to Parkinson's to find out more and book a place.
Parkinson’s: Foundation modules for health and social care staff
- Provided by the Parkinson's UK Excellence Network.
This online course, endorsed by the Royal College of Nursing, is suitable for anyone working in health or social care who requires a foundation understanding of Parkinson’s. The course takes a minimum of 10 hours to complete.
Sign up to Parkinson’s: Foundation modules for health and social care staff.
Understanding Parkinson’s for health and social care staff
- Provided by Open University and the Parkinson's UK Excellence Network.
This course offers around 24 hours of learning, covering a wide range of topics. It's suitable for anyone working in health or social care who requires an in-depth understanding of Parkinson’s.
Sign up to Understanding Parkinson’s for health and social care staff.
Parkinson's from a GP and patient perspective: supporting initial assessment and referral
- Provided by the Parkinson's UK Excellence Network.
This course focuses on the experiences, ideas, concerns and expectations of people with Parkinson's and an interview with a GP.
Parkinson’s: supporting the family unit and care partners
- Provided by the Parkinson's UK Excellence Network.
This course is suitable for all health and social care professionals working with people living with Parkinson's, their families and care partners, and employees of Parkinson's UK
Find out more about Parkinson’s: supporting the family unit and care partners.
Parkinson’s: train the trainer
- Provided by the Parkinson's UK Excellence Network.
Learn how to deliver a 3 hour training session on Parkinson’s to your colleagues. Train the trainer consists of 2 courses (focusing on learning content and presentation) and a webinar. Once completed, you'll receive access to the necessary learning materials to deliver your training sessions.
Sign up to Parkinson's: train the trainer.
Parkinson’s service development: how to plan and implement a Parkinson’s dementia clinic
- Provided by the Parkinson's UK Excellence Network.
This case study from Cardiff and Vale Health Board's Parkinson's dementia service focuses on setting up and managing Parkinson's services and what that involves. Suitable for experienced health and care professionals.
Media resources
Caring for your resident with Parkinson’s
- Provided by the Parkinson's UK Excellence Network.
This 20 minute presentation will give you the knowledge you need as a residential care worker to provide better care for a resident with Parkinson’s.
View Caring for your resident with Parkinson’s.
Domiciliary care for someone with Parkinson’s: a 20 minute presentation for home care workers
- Provided by the Parkinson's UK Excellence Network.
This 20 minute online presentation from Parkinson’s UK has been developed to help domiciliary care staff to provide better care to people with Parkinson’s.
View Domiciliary care for someone with Parkinson’s: a 20 minute presentation for home care workers.
Supporting your patients with Parkinson's: for ward staff
- Provided by the Parkinson's UK Excellence Network.
This 15 minute online presentation will help ward staff understand the key issues when caring for people with Parkinson’s. It covers the key symptoms and issues that can impact a person with Parkinson’s and their care when admitted to a hospital ward.
View Supporting your patients with Parkinson's: for ward staff.
Podcast: learn about Parkinson’s
- Provided by the Parkinson's UK Excellence Network.
This podcast is for anyone working in hospital or community care who wants to learn about Parkinson’s, including how to better understand the needs of people living with Parkinson's and their families.
Listen to the Podcast: learn about Parkinson's.
- Provided by DT2 Productions.
Kinetics is based on the true story of Sue Wylie's journey to being diagnosed with Parkinson's, the impact on her everyday life, and acceptance of living with Parkinson’s. Suitable for all health and social care professionals.
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