Time critical medication patient stories: in their own words

In these short films, people with Parkinson’s share their experiences of receiving their Parkinson's medication in hospital and how this impacted their health and wellbeing.

Last reviewed
  • Inpatient care and medicines management
Resource type
  • Case studies
  • Videos
  • All professions

Patients with Parkinson’s are at risk of significant harm if they don’t get their medication on time, every time. Yet just 42% of people with Parkinson’s say they always get their medication on time, every time, when they’re in hospital (2022 UK Parkinson’s Audit).

Explore time critical medication patient stories

These short films have been developed for use by health and social care professionals.

Use these films:

  • to increase your understanding of the importance of Parkinson's time critical medicines
  • in short education sessions with your colleagues.

Gareth's story: being supported to control my Parkinson's medication in hospital

"When they agreed to it, it was a weight off my shoulders."

In this film, Gareth shares his experience of being supported to control his Parkinson's during a hospital stay. 

Film length: 4 minutes and 16 seconds.

Karen's story: having my Parkinson's medication snatched away in hospital

"If I was told I had to go into hospital again... I would be really quite cautious."

Hear how Karen's medication was taken away from her in hospital and how this impacted her health for days afterwards.

Film length: 4 minutes and 53 seconds.

Margot's story: losing control of my Parkinson's medication in hospital

"My everyday care out of hospital is superb...that seemed to stop at the hospital door."

Hear how Margot's, and her daughter Vicky's, lives were impacted when a lack of communication and understanding from hospital staff meant that she couldn't self administer her Parkinson's medication during a hospital stay.

Film length: 3 minutes and 54 seconds.

Barrie's story: going through surgery without my Parkinson's medication

"Had they just stuck to the plan... everything would have been fine."

In this film, Barrie shares his experience of undergoing surgery without his Parkinson's medication.

Film length: 5 minutes and 54 seconds.

Content warning: Some people may find Barrie's story upsetting.

Time critical medication: hospital awareness kit

Have these stories inspired you to raise awareness of the importance of Parkinson's time critical medication in your hospital? 

The Time critical medication: hospital awareness kit contains a range of free, downloadable resources to help you do just that:

  • Awareness poster for hospital staff
  • Awareness poster for patients
  • Screensavers
  • Information screen slide
  • Social media graphics

Related resources

The time critical medication and Get It On Time resource page brings together a range of guides, best practice case studies, news, learning and practical materials to support you in administering Parkinson's medication on time, every time.