Speech and Language Therapy Parkinson’s Clinical Excellence Network

The Speech and Language Therapy (SLT) Parkinson’s Clinical Excellence Network (CEN) addresses all aspects of SLT management for people with Parkinson's and related conditions.

2025 UK Parkinson's Audit: registration is now open

Speech and language therapy services across the UK are invited to take part in this recognised quality improvement tool for Parkinson's care.

Visit the Audit page to find out more.

Led by Caroline Bartliff, Specialist Speech and Language Therapist in Derby, the group promotes service development, training, learning and personal development for speech and language therapists working across the UK.

The SLT Parkinson's CEN is open to membership from registered speech and language therapists, students and individuals interested in quality improvement for speech and language therapy within the UK. 

Why join the SLT Parkinson's CEN?

SLT Parkinson's CEN members benefit from:

  • support and guidance from a network of professionals
  • in-person and online events for learning and networking
  • opportunities to collaborate with speech and language therapy professionals across the 4 nations of the UK

Join the SLT Parkinson's CEN by sending an email to: [email protected]

SLT Parkinson's CEN partners

In collaboration with the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists and the Parkinson’s Excellence Network, the CEN provides a UK-wide network of support for therapists with meetings being held both virtually and in-person. Find out more about the RCSLT on their website here.

The Excellence Network in your local area

Want to connect with different health and social care professionals in your area? The Excellence Network has regional groups across the United Kingdom.