Better bone health resources

Learn about bone health in Parkinson’s, the Bone health service improvement project, and access information and resources for professionals.

Last reviewed
  • Inpatient care and medicines management
Resource type
  • Publications
  • Tools
  • Videos
  • All professions
  • Complex
  • End of life
  • Maintenance

Why bone health?

People with Parkinson’s are more than twice as likely to have osteoporosis and fractures than those without the condition, and outcomes of major fractures are worse. Yet many are not routinely assessed for fracture risk.

From 2021 to 2023, the Parkinson's UK Excellence Network ran 2 phases of a national service improvement project with 74 services across the UK. In Phase 2 over 1,800 people had their bone health assessed. The treatments introduced during this phase are expected to prevent 5 to 6 vertebral fractures and 2 to 3 non-vertebral fractures including 1 to 2 hip fractures. 

In the 2022 UK Parkinson’s Audit, the percentage of patients assessed for bone health increased to 60%, and 75% in services which had taken part in the project.

Phase 3 of the project has taken the resources used by the participating teams, along with what they learned, and made those available to all.

How to use the bone health resources

Hear from Dr Donald Grosset, Excellence Network Service Improvement Lead, as he introduces phase 3 of the bone health project and explains how to use the resources.

Better Bone Health Service Improvement Project reports

Better Bone Health Service Improvement Project presentation

Dr Veronica Lyell, Consultant Orthogeriatrician at Royal United Hospitals Bath NHS Foundation Trust produced a Better bone health project presentation in 2023. The presentation explains why the Better bone health service improvement project was launched, the project approach, results, conclusions, and next steps.

If you want to view the Better bone health presentation, please email [email protected] with your request.

Information for your patients

In 2022, we recorded a bone health Q&A with a panel of experts to answer some questions from people with Parkinson’s.

People with Parkinson's and their families can also find out more about bone health here. 

Our project showed that bone health assessments can be a routine part of Parkinson's care.

“Assessing bone health, I felt, was out of my remit – too complicated – too time consuming – and best left to the bone health professionals.  What did I learn from undertaking this project? Firstly, bone health isn’t scary. Secondly I am perfectly placed to undertake a bone health assessment, which I have found can easily be incorporated into a face to face clinic”.

Joanne Rose, Parkinson's nurse specialist, The Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust.