Parkinson's UK reopens physical activity grants for 2024

Our physical activity grants programme is opening again to help more people with Parkinson's live well with the condition.

We’ve launched our 4th year of physical activity grants to fund activity providers that help people living with Parkinson’s get active.

The programme is open for a limited time to activity providers, national governing bodies, Parkinson’s groups and branches, and sports and healthcare professionals, among many others.

Since our physical activity grants programme started in 2021, funding has supported more than 192 projects including table tennis, non-contact boxing, high-intensity workout classes, walking football, online wellbeing and fitness sessions and many more.

There are lots of benefits to being active for people living with Parkinson’s. It can help with balance, strength and coordination, as well as improving mental wellbeing and sleep patterns.

Physical activity groups and classes also provide opportunities to meet new people and socialise at a time when people living with Parkinson’s have reported experiencing increased social isolation.

Roma Hashim, Physical Activity Grants Manager for Parkinson’s UK, said:

"We are delighted to be delivering our physical activity grants programme for the 4th successive year and we hope to be able to help even more people living with Parkinson's to enjoy an active lifestyle with the condition. 

"Whether you are part of a national sports association, you work with a local exercise group, or you are passionate about getting people active, why not apply for a grant in 2024? 

"There are more than 40 symptoms associated with Parkinson's and being active can be one of the best ways for a person to manage their condition, plus it's good fun too. We are looking forward to continuing funding more innovative active projects in 2024."

Get in touch with us

If you need any support with your grant application, email the Physical Activity team: [email protected].