First Steps Oxfordshire

First Steps is our programme for people recently diagnosed with Parkinson's and their family, friends and supporters. 

In 2 sessions, we’ll help you to take the first steps in making sense of your diagnosis. And we’ll empower you to start living well with Parkinson’s by providing you with the information and support you need.

Across Oxfordshire, we are piloting a return to face-to-face delivery of First Steps, hosted by volunteers living with Parkinson’s.

This programme is for you if: 

  • you’re looking for ways to make sense of your diagnosis 
  • you don’t know what information and support is available to you 
  • you feel ready to meet other people who have also been recently diagnosed with Parkinson’s, and their family, friends and supporters.

You will be part of a small group of 8 to 10 other people who have recently been diagnosed with Parkinson’s. Some people take part with a family member, friend or carer, but you don’t have to. You’ll be able to ask questions, share your experiences and connect with people who are at a similar stage in their Parkinson’s journey.

Hosted by volunteers who have Parkinson’s, the programme spans 2 days (4 to 6 weeks apart).

Day 1: 

  • understanding your diagnosis
  • how to proactively manage your care and get the best from the health services available locally
  • the importance of physical activity and taking medication on time for managing Parkinson’s
  • the range of support services and opportunities available

Day 2 which follows 4-6 weeks later:

  • recap of the key messages from day one
  • check in and catch up 
  • group discussions giving you time and space to talk and ask questions
  • advice and tips on looking after your mind and mood
  • exercise session with neuro-physiotherapist
  • next steps

People tell us that after they take part in First Steps they feel: 

  • less alone after meeting other people in a similar situation
  • more positive and confident in moving forward
  • informed of the information and support available.

Book your place

There will be 2 sessions in each group, with a 6 week gap between them, so please make sure you can commit to both dates before booking a place. If a family member, friend, or supporter is taking part with you, you will need to book 2 places.

Weekend course

Day 1: Saturday 21 September from 11am to 4pm

Day 2: Saturday 19 October from 11am to 4pm

Location: Kidlington Baptist Church, High Street, Kidlington OX5 2DS

Book your place for the First Steps weekend course on Eventbrite.

Weekday course

Day 1: Tuesday 12 November from 11am to 4pm

Day 2: Tuesday 3 December from 11am to 4pm

Location: Kidlington Baptist Church, High Street, Kidlington OX5 2DS

Book your place on the First Steps weekday course on Eventbrite.

Contact us

For more information about First Steps Oxfordshire or to register your interest, please contact Katy by email at [email protected] or call 0344 225 3750.

First Steps online

First Steps is also delivered online. Hosted by volunteers who have Parkinson’s, the free programme is covered in 3 x 2.5 hour sessions on Zoom, with regular breaks throughout.