The British Geriatrics Society 2024 International Conference on Falls and Postural Stability

Join the British Geriatrics Society (BGS) for their 25th international conference on falls and postural stability, aimed at all clinicians and healthcare professionals working with older people in acute and community settings.

Nottingham with virtual attendance available
See conference website for details
All day
Event / learning type
Continuing professional development

This conference will include keynote presentations from experts in the field, workshops and plenary sessions demonstrating best practice approaches available.

Why Should delegates attend? 

This conference offers the opportunity for delegates to:

  • Develop understanding of the key areas and challenges faced in geriatric medicine 
  • Hear focused presentations on core areas of geriatric medicine
  • Attend small group workshop sessions
  • Hear the latest research in the field 
  • Network with other healthcare professionals. 

To book a place, click the button below to go through to the conference page on the British Geriatric Society website (BGS). Select 'Register online'. You will need to have created an account on the BGS website in order to complete registration.

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