UK Parkinson's Audit data dashboards
The UK Parkinson's Audit data dashboards provide a visual display of 2022 Audit data by audit question, clinical speciality, and geographically by Parkinson's UK Excellence Network regions.
- Tools
- All professions
- Complex
- Diagnosis
- End of life
- Maintenance
The Audit data dashboards present data by Parkinson's UK Excellence Network region, including the England regions which were updated in September 2024 to reflect the 7 NHS England regions.
Audit data dashboards are available for each speciality: elderly care and neurology, occupational therapy, physiotherapy and speech and language therapy. They show the results of:
- The service audit: the way services are configured and the care they offer
- The patient audit: the care provided to individual patients by a service
There is a separate dashboard for the Patient Reported Experience Measure (PREM), the questionnaires completed by people with Parkinson’s and their carers about their experience of their whole Parkinson’s service.
Once the specialty has been selected, choose a specific audit question and the results for a country or an individual Excellence Network region are displayed as a bar chart and as a UK map.
The bar charts show ‘yes’ answers for eligible cases. For comparison, the overall UK result for that question is also shown.
The number of services or patients included and the exact percentage can be viewed when the cursor is held over an individual Excellence Network region's results.
The full UK Parkinson's Audit results for each audit question can be found in the 2022 Audit complete data tables.
Contact [email protected] if you have any questions about these dashboards.
How to download and save data dashboard search results
You can follow these instructions if you have searched the Audit data dashboards and want to download and save your search results (PDF, 106KB).
About the UK Parkinson's Audit
The UK Parkinson's Audit is the recognised quality improvement tool for Parkinson's services. It allows measurement of practice against evidence-based standards and patient feedback in a continuous cycle of improvement.