Parkinson's from a GP and patient perspective: supporting initial assessment and referral (Excellence Network)

These free, online, interactive modules, delivered by the Parkinson's UK Excellence Network, will support GPs in the process of initial assessment and referral focusing on the GP and patient perspective

1 hour
Event / learning type
Continuing professional development

Who is the course for?

All GPs, junior doctors and students, and may be useful for GP practice nurses/teams.


How does it work?

The aim of this course is to give you information about suspecting and recognising Parkinson's for referral. It focuses on the experiences of people with Parkinson's and a GP. There is an additional focus on recognising that younger people may also be diagnosed with Parkinson's.

This course tracks your progress as you work through it. You do not have to complete it in one sitting, but please note that if you leave the course and return to it at a later date the progress tracking will be lost. It is advisable to allow an hour to complete. You can return at any time to consult the course for reference or to refresh your learning.

This course isn't assessed, but a certificate is available to download to self-certify participation once you complete the evaluation.


What will participants learn?

The learning units focus on the following areas:

  • An overview of Parkinson's
  • Interview with a GP - case studies, signs and symptoms
  • Patient's ideas, concerns and expectations
  • Examination - GP consultation, examination videos and referrals

These will enable participants to:

  • Review the NICE guidelines
  • Revise the common motor and non-motor symptoms of Parkinson's
  • Consider the differences between how an older patient and younger patient may present
  • Propose how you will approach a focused history and examination
  • Reflect on when you would refer a younger patient with suspected Parkinson's
  • Justify why early referral, early diagnosis and early treatment is important