Make benefits work for people with Parkinson's

People with Parkinson's rely on financial support to stay independent and in control. Working with the Parkinson's community, we're campaigning to make sure the system is fair.

What we believe

There are a variety of benefits that people may be entitled to when they have Parkinson's or care for someone with the condition. This can vary according to whether you're working or retired. 

We want to see a system that enables people with Parkinson's to maintain their wellbeing and independence. That's whether you're receiving Personal Independence Payments (PIP), Employment and Support Allowance (ESA), Attendance Allowance or Universal Credit.

We're campaigning to:

  • Make sure that any new medical assessments are designed to fully take into account the reality of living with Parkinson’s.
  • Make sure benefits assessments are conducted sensitively and by assessors who understand Parkinson's, so that people get the right support the first time round.
  • Make sure that people with Parkinson’s are only moved from older benefits to Universal Credit when it is safe and fair to do so.
  • Make sure Universal Credit works for disabled people. We want to see a disability element added to Universal Credit, the right to appeal against a claimant commitment, a specialist disabled claim line and proper disability awareness training for DWP staff.

  • Reduce waiting times for benefit appeals.

Join our Campaigns Network

Join our movement of over 8,000 people. We'll send you updates about our work, including our campaigns to make disability benefits fairer.

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