Physical activity and exercise

Being active for 2.5 hours a week can help manage Parkinson’s symptoms. Our information helps you get active and stay active.

Physical activity has a positive impact both physically and mentally. It can be as important as getting the right dose of medication. 

Being active is important for everyone. It can make you feel good inside and out. It can maintain your health. It can lift your mood. And if you have Parkinson’s, it can help manage your symptoms. The more physically active you are, the easier it is to live well with Parkinson’s. 

Just like Parkinson’s, the right physical activity is different for everyone. But being active is always most effective when you push yourself. Whether that’s playing tennis for an hour. Taking a long walk with the dog. Or practising everyday movements, like walking up the stairs.

Being Active with Parkinson's

Our Being Active with Parkinson's guide is available to download and order now.

You’ll find loads of helpful hints, ways to start your physical activity journey and top tips for staying active with Parkinson's.

You can order from the Parkinson's UK shop, or download your digital copy.

Physical activity YouTube playlist

Our YouTube playlist has a wide range of videos to help you start your active journey, as well as workouts, helpful hints and top tips.  

You can find everything from chair-based workouts to high-intensity sessions that will get you building up a sweat.