Services struggling to meet the needs of people with Parkinson's in Scotland Date 5 February 2019 New report on services in Scotland.
New research on levodopa's influence on Parkinson's progression Date 30 January 2019 A clinical trial has produced further evidence that there is no benefit of delaying levodopa therapy.
Steps towards new drugs to improve symptoms and slow Parkinson’s Date 30 January 2019 We’re investing a further £1.5million to advance pioneering drug discovery work to develop new molecules that can both improve symptoms and slow progression.
People who smoke may be less likely to develop Parkinson's Date 20 November 2018 European study suggests that smoking has a protective role to reduce the risk of developing Parkinson's.
Stopping the build-up of toxic proteins in Parkinson's Date 15 November 2018 Scientists have identified a key molecule - called USP13 - which may provide a new avenue to prevent the build up of alpha-synuclein in brain cells.
People with ADHD may be at increased risk of Parkinson's Date 12 September 2018 A US study has found that people with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) may have an increased risk of developing Parkinson's.
Kyle Alexander joins the board Date 28 August 2018 In August 2018, Kyle Alexander was appointed by co-option to the Board of Trustees, bringing a Northern Ireland presence to the board.
Positive results for a breath test for Parkinson's Date 6 August 2018 Researchers in Israel have made positive steps towards a simple diagnostic test for Parkinson's.
Research shows targeting LRRK2 could benefit many with Parkinson's Date 27 July 2018 New research highlights importance of LRRK2 as a pivotal player in all kinds of Parkinson's, not just genetic forms.
Parkinson's UK responds to new laws on cannabis-based medicines Date 26 July 2018 The government have announced a relaxation of the laws governing access to cannabis-based medicines. This will give doctors the ability to prescribe them.