Study shows potential benefit for caffeine in Parkinson's Date 20 September 2016 A new clinical study published in the journal Parkinsonism and Related Disorders links higher caffeine consumption to slower development of Parkinson's symptoms after diagnosis.
Ultrasound treatment shows promise for managing tremor Date 26 August 2016 Positive results from a trial of ultrasound therapy for treating tremor have been published, with potential benefits for controlling Parkinson's symptoms.
Could Parkinson's be detected with an eye test? Date 18 August 2016 Researchers from the UCL have identified a way to detect Parkinson's through the eyes in a rat model of the condition.
Understanding the link between head injury and Parkinson's risk Date 12 July 2016 New research suggests that severe head injury, which causes loss of consciousness, could be linked to increased risk of developing Parkinson's.
Common dementia drug could improve Parkinson's symptoms Date 12 January 2016 Researchers at the University of Bristol have discovered that a common dementia drug, rivastigmine, could reduce falls in people with Parkinson's.