Parkinson’s UK is a member of the PIF TICK scheme - the UK-wide quality mark for trustworthy health information.
Having PIF TICK means that Parkinson’s UK has been accredited as providing reliable, accurate and high-quality health information that you can trust.

Why is it important for Parkinson's UK to have the PIF TICK?
We produce high quality health information to support people living with or supporting someone with Parkinson’s.
The PIF TICK recognises this quality. We want you to feel confident you can trust our health information.
What does the PIF TICK mean for people who use our information?
The PIF TICK logo makes it quick and easy to spot trusted information.
Accurate, accessible, evidence-based information from Parkinson’s UK aims to help you:
- manage your condition better and live well with Parkinson’s
- get the support you need
- make the best decisions about your health
How did Parkinson's UK get the PIF TICK?
PIF TICK is awarded after a thorough application and assessment process by the Patient Information Forum.
To be successful, we are assessed against certain criteria. This includes:
- using reliable, up-to-date evidence to produce our information
- writing and designing our print and digital content in a way that is clear, easy to understand and in plain English
- developing and testing all of our information with both users (people living with or supporting someone with Parkinson’s) and subject matter experts (health and social care professionals)
How will I know if the information I'm reading has the PIF TICK quality mark?
All the information we create following these steps will get the PIF TICK mark.
We display the Trusted Information Creator badge on all of our print and digital content.