Local groups for younger people
Join one of our local groups for younger people to find support, have fun and be part of the Parkinson's community.
Our current groups are listed in alphabetical order below. Click on the links to find more about when and where each group meets and what they do.
If you're interested in starting up a group in your local area, or having your group listed, please contact [email protected].
- Basingstoke
- Berkshire
- Bristol
- Cambridgeshire
- Derby
- East Sussex, Bexhill
- Hereford
- Hertfordshire
- Ipswich
- Lincoln
- Medway and District
- Mid Essex Working Age Group
- Milton Keynes Working Age Group
- North East Essex Working Age Group
- Northumberland / Tyne and Wear
- Norwich
- Nottingham Trent Bridge
- Oxfordshire
- Portsmouth
- Somerset
- South Essex Working Age Group
- Uxbridge
- Wiltshire
- Worthing
- Yorkshire and Humber
Northern Ireland
Younger people with Parkinson's
Find relevant information, support services and real life stories on our younger people's page.