First Steps programme

First Steps is our online programme for people recently diagnosed with Parkinson's and their family, friends and supporters.

The programme

In 3 sessions, we’ll help you to take the first steps in making sense of your diagnosis. And we’ll empower you to start living well with Parkinson’s by providing you with the information and support you need.

This programme is for you if: 

  • you’re looking for ways to make sense of your diagnosis 
  • you don’t know what information and support is available to you 
  • you feel ready to meet other people who have also been recently diagnosed with Parkinson’s, and their family, friends and supporters. 

You’ll take part from the comfort of your own home, joining a small group of 12 other people who have recently been diagnosed with Parkinson’s. Some people take part with a family member, friend or supporter, while others join alone. You’ll be able to ask questions, share your experiences and connect with people who are at a similar stage in their Parkinson’s journey.

Hosted by volunteers who have Parkinson’s, the programme spans 3 x 2.5-hour sessions on Zoom. Sessions 1 and 2 take place over 1 week, and session 3 takes place 4 weeks later. We’ll have regular breaks throughout each session.

To take part, you will need access to a device with a webcam and a reliable internet connection. If you’re not feeling confident using Zoom, we offer support in how to get started and use the key features.


Session 1: 

  • making sense of your diagnosis
  • facts about Parkinson's
  • the healthcare professionals that can help you to manage your Parkinson’s.

Session 2: 

  • the information and support that’s available to you
  • the practical things you need to know, such as employment, driving and prescriptions
  • the importance of physical activity in managing your Parkinson's.

Session 3, which follows up 4 weeks later:

  • check in and catch up 
  • 2 separate group discussions: one for people living with Parkinson’s and another for family, friends and carers
  • tips for coping on difficult days, and the support options available to you and your family, friends and supporters.

People tell us that after they take part they feel: 

  • less alone after meeting other people in a similar situation
  • more positive and confident in moving forward
  • informed of the information and support available.

Here's what some people have told us:

“I feel more optimistic about my diagnosis now. It's really helped me to accept that I have Parkinson's.

"I feel more informed and not so alone" 

"I would definitely recommend this programme to newly diagnosed people. The information you receive is fantastic and very helpful."

Book your place on First Steps

There are 3 sessions in each group, with a 4-week gap between sessions 2 and 3, so please make sure you can commit to the 3 dates in the group before booking a place.

You only need to book onto 1 group. 

Please note, if a family member, friend or carer is taking part with you, you will need to book 2 places.

Group 8:

Each session runs from 6.30pm to 9pm

Session one - Wednesday 9 April 2025

Session two - Wednesday 16 April 2025

Session three - Wednesday 14 May 2025

Book your place on Group 8 on Eventbrite

Contact us

If you have any questions, please contact the First Steps team on 020 7963 9381 or email [email protected].

First Steps in Oxfordshire

Across Oxfordshire, we are piloting a return to face-to-face delivery of First Steps, hosted by volunteers who have Parkinson’s.

Other newly diagnosed online events

Find out more about our other online programmes, webinars and events for people newly diagnosed with Parkinson's and their friends, family members and supporters.