Research events

Browse our upcoming events and recordings to find out about the latest Parkinson's research.

In-person events

You’re invited: Join the Parkinson's South East Research Interest Group for their spring 2025 free, in-person conference

When: Saturday 17 May, 10 am - 4 pm
Where: Bat & Ball Centre, Sevenoaks

About the event: As Parkinson's disease progresses, some motor tasks and non-motor symptoms may become more difficult to manage. Adaptive tools and assistive technology in the form of wearable devices can help with early diagnosis. There are also apps loaded on our phones or computers that can help people with Parkinson's manage symptoms, improve quality of life, and maintain independence.

The Parkinson's South East of England Research Interest Group (SERIG) has organised a one-day conference on Saturday 17th May 2025 at the Bat & Ball Centre in Sevenoaks. The event will highlight some of the innovative research on technology, devices and applications designed by people passionate about helping people with Parkinson's.

Interested in attending? For full information and to register, please see the event page here

If you have any questions about this event, please contact Liz Nash, Research Support Network Lead, on [email protected] or 0207 963 9398.

Online events

You’re invited: The Parkinson's UK West of Scotland Research Interest Group hosts Professor Tilo Kunath, from the University of Edinburgh - ‘Finding new drugs for Parkinson’s using neurons produced from stem cells'

When: Thursday 27 March 2025, 2.30 - 3.30pm
Where: Online via Zoom
What: A talk, Q&A, and virtual tour of the lab

Interested in attending? Please register via this Zoom link

About the talk: Parkinson’s is a complex condition with numerous neuronal systems affected. One of the major cell types that is progressively lost are the dopamine-producing nerves of the substantia nigra. The reasons why these particular neurons are lost is not completely known, but the protein alpha-synuclein has been implicated in playing a major role.

Due to advances in stem cell technology over the last 20 years, it is now possible to produce unlimited amounts of dopamine-producing nerves from human pluripotent stem cells in the laboratory. These neurons can be used for pre-clinical drug testing to find novel treatments for Parkinson’s. We have created a model of Parkinson’s in a dish, and testing numerous drugs for their ability to reduce Parkinson’s alpha-synuclein pathology. Tilo will give an update on how the drug-testing is performed and describe one of the top-performing candidate drugs.

After his talk and Q&A, Professor Kunath will take us on a virtual tour of his laboratory.

We hope you'll join us for this event!

If you have any questions about this event, please contact Liz Nash, Research Support Network Lead, on [email protected] or 0207 963 9398.

On World Parkinson’s Day, join us for our very first online Research ‘taster session.' We’ll spotlight some exciting research projects, show how research is helping people to live well with Parkinson’s, and share how and why people are getting involved in research. Attendees will also find out how they can stay up to date with the latest research news and opportunities.

When: Friday 11 April, 12.15 - 1.15pm.

You can learn more and register to attend by visiting our website:…

If you have any questions, please let us know by emailing [email protected].

You’re invited: The Parkinson's UK East Midlands Research Interest Group (PEMRIG) hosts Dr Thomas Payne: 'Moving towards personalised medicine in Parkinson’s, how can we target mitochondria?'

When: Tuesday 6 May 2025, 12 - 1pm 
Where: Online via Zoom 
What: A talk followed by Q&A 

Interested in attending? Please register by visiting our Zoom registration page

About the talk and speaker, Dr Thomas Payne: 

I am an NIHR Clinical Lecturer in Neurology based at the Sheffield Institute for Translational Neuroscience. My main areas of interest are neuroimaging (with a focus on MRI), early phase clinical trials and the identification of mitochondrial dysfunction in Parkinson’s. My research aims to develop effective tools to stratify Parkinson’s disease both clinically and according to the specific underlying pathogenic mechanism in an individual, such as mitochondrial dysfunction to ultimately move towards more personalised medicine approaches in Parkinson’s. 

We hope you'll join us for this event! If you have any questions about this event, please contact Liz Nash, Research Support Network Lead, on [email protected].

You’re invited: The Parkinson's UK West of Scotland Research Interest Group hosts Dr Victoria Marshall, Consultant Neurologist at Queen Elizabeth University Hospital Glasgow, and Catriona McNeill, Lead Nurse for the Neuroprogressive and Dementia Network team with NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde - 'Current & Future Clinical Research in Parkinson’s and Atypical Parkinsonism - Opportunities in the West of Scotland' 

When: Wednesday 7 May 2025, 2.30 - 3.30pm 
Where: Online via Zoom 
What: A presentation with time for Q&A 

Interested in attending? Please register by visiting our Zoom registration page

We hope you'll join us for this event! If you have any questions about this event, please contact Liz Nash, Research Support Network Lead, on [email protected].

Catch up on a selection of research talks

On 11 and 12 October, the Parkinson's community came together for Par-Con 2024, our free, 2-day in-person and online event, planned in collaboration with a team of people living with and affected by the condition.

Over the two days, attendees heard directly from experts, connected with others and learnt more about living well with Parkinson's. We had sessions on the latest research, cutting-edge technology and more.

Catch up on all Par-Con session recordings here

On Wednesday 20 September, the Edinburgh branch of Parkinson’s UK and the Edinburgh Research Interest Group held the 2023 annual Edinburgh Parkinson’s lecture.

This year’s lecture, ‘Learning to listen - a patient-centred approach to Parkinson’s care’, was delivered by Professor Camille Carroll, Professor of Clinical Neuroscience and Honorary Consultant Neurologist at Newcastle University. Prof. Carroll’s research focuses on disease-modifying treatments and how we can use digital health technologies for monitoring and personalised care for Parkinson’s.

Prof. Carroll was introduced by James Jopling, Scotland Director for Parkinson’s UK. Members of both the live and online audiences asked questions after the Lecture (chaired by Prof Tilo Kunath). The Concluding Remarks were made by Dr Alison Williams, a person with Parkinson’s and Honorary Professor of Creativity, the Centre for Person-Centred Practice Research, Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh.

Watch the recording.

The PenPRIG team met with Claire Bale, Associate Director of Research; Shona Clegg, Clinical Studies Portfolio Manager; and Jan Kulagowski, Drug Discovery Manager; to learn more about the Parkinson’s UK Virtual Biotech and its drug discovery projects, aiming to bring us new and better treatments, faster.

Watch the talks in the series to learn more.

‘What is the Parkinson's UK Virtual Biotech About? Introduction in plain English’ with speaker Claire Bale

‘A Potential Dyskinesia Drug Gets The Virtual Biotech Treatment’ with Shona Clegg

‘Parkinson's Drug Discovery Gets The Virtual Biotech Treatment’ with Jan Kulagowski

'A Q&A session: News of progress in drug discovery and clinical trials' with the Virtual Biotech Team

These and other research talks are available on PenPRIG’s YouTube channel.

We invite you to listen to the North of Scotland Research Interest Group’s podcast, featuring interviews with Parkinson’s researchers active across Scotland - including Professor Tilo Kunath, Julie Jones, Dr Carl Counsell, and Dr Angus MacLeod.

Each episode lasts approximately 30 minutes, and new interviews are added monthly.

You can listen to each episode by following the links on the group’s PodBean webpage.

Research indicates around 50% of people with Parkinson's will experience pain. The causes can be multiple, and the underlying mechanisms are poorly understood. Dr. Kirsty Bannister, from King's College London, is investigating pain, and working on individual experiences of pain and how to help.

You can watch the recording here. 

The Peninsula Parkinson's Research Interest Group (PenPRIG) hosted Dr Simon Stott, Director of Research at Cure Parkinson's, talking about the latest research into diet and nutrition for people with Parkinson's.

Watch the diet and nutrition for Parkinson's talk

This event, held in May 2022, featured evidence-based talks from people with expertise in Parkinson's, Dementia, Psychology and Mental Health and included practical advice on improving wellbeing.

Watch the talk today.

Speakers included:

  • Professor Jane Simpson, Lancaster University, 'Psychological Therapies for people affected by Parkinson’s'
  • Dr Becky Dowson, University of Nottingham, 'Music and singing for people living with dementia, Parkinson’s and their carers'
  • Vanessa King, Action for Happiness, 'Practical Science-based Ideas to Sustain and Boost Wellbeing for People with Parkinson’s and their families'


The Dundee Research Interest Group hosted an online research event on 31 March 2022 with keynote speaker Dr Tom Gilbertson, Consultant Neurologist at Ninewells Hospital and Medical School and Senior Lecturer in the Medical School at the University of Dundee.

The University of Dundee is the second site in the UK to host a Magnetic Resonance-guided Focused Ultrasound (MRgFUS) system. This technology will be at the forefront of clinical trials aimed at accurately treating individuals with disabling tremor and may also benefit people with Parkinson’s in the future. Dr Tom Gilbertson discusses how MRgFUS works, how it can be used to treat tremor, and a planned upcoming clinical trial of the technology.

Watch the recording here. 

Peninsula Parkinson's Research Interest Group (PenPRIG) recently hosted Dr Camille Carroll, Plymouth University. She talked about the future of digital support of Home Based Care Pathways for Parkinson's and shared the success of digital tools trialled at the University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust. 

Watch the talk

Par-Con 2021 was our online research event for the Parkinson's community. There were 12 sessions, including discussions about diet and nutrition to thoughts on what future treatments might look like.

You can now browse the wide range of talks on our YouTube channel. 

Watch the Gretschen Amphlet Memorial Lecture, recorded on 24 March 2021, to hear from a range of speakers. The lecture focuses on research that aims to investigate cannabidiol (CBD) for Parkinson's associated psychosis. 

Watch the research lecture

Organising your own event?

Individual groups can request a member of our research team to join them in person or online. Our research talks give an update on Parkinson’s research, how we are driving forward new and better treatments and share how the Parkinson's community can get involved. To request a talk, please complete a request form