Time critical medication and Get It On Time campaign resources

Let's make hospitals safer for people with Parkinson's. Discover tools, resources and learning to support you to deliver time critical medication to people with Parkinson's.

  • Inpatient care and medicines management
  • Service improvement
Resource type
  • Tools
  • All professions

What is time critical Parkinson's medication?

Patients with Parkinson’s are at risk of significant harm if they don’t get their medication on time, every time. ‘On time’ means within 30 minutes of the patient’s prescribed time. Even short delays can worsen symptoms. These can include rigidity, pain and tremors, increasing the risk of falls, as well as causing stress, anxiety and swallowing issues, increasing the risk of aspiration. 

Over half of people with Parkinson’s don’t get their medications on time, every time they're in hospital. This leads to worse patient outcomes, longer recovery times and increased costs to the NHS. 

We're here to help healthcare professionals give great care and improve medicine administration standards. Here is a range of tools, resources and learning developed especially for you. 

You can also contact us at [email protected] if you have any time critical medication questions or want to chat more about one of these resources.

Time critical medication resources

Guides for healthcare professionals 


Best practice case studies for health professionals


Resources for healthcare professionals

Download 10 recommendations for your hospital

A group of NHS professionals who live with Parkinson’s have developed a set of 10 recommendations for hospitals in collaboration with the Excellence Network. These recommendations will enable NHS staff to support timely, safe and appropriate medicine management for people with Parkinson's. 

Watch the accompanying video produced by the professionals, which brings the recommendations to life.  

  • Rapid Response Report NPSA/2010/RRR009: Reducing harm from omitted and delayed medicines in hospital. National Patient Safety Agency (2010). Read the NPSA report.
  • Commissioner’s Guide to the NCEPOD Report - ‘Hard to Swallow?’. A review of the quality of dysphagia care provided to patients with Parkinson’s disease aged 16 years and over who were admitted to hospital when acutely unwell. The National Confidential Enquiry into Patient Outcome and Death (NCEPOD). Go to the Commissioner's Guide to the NCEPOD report.
  • Hard to Swallow? A review of the quality of dysphagia care provided to patients with Parkinson’s disease aged 16 years and over who were admitted to hospital when acutely unwell. A report published by the National Confidential Enquiry into Patient Outcome and Death (2021). Read the 'Hard to Swallow?' review.
  • A comprehensive review of the diagnosis and treatment of Parkinson's disease dysphagia and aspiration. Patel et al 2020. Expert Review of Gastroenterology & Hepatology: Vol 14, No 6 (tandfonline.com). Read the comprehensive review.
  • A New Simple Screening Tool - 4QT: Can It Identify Those with Swallowing Problems? A Pilot Study. Tsang, K et al 2020. PMC (nih.gov) Geriatrics. March 5(1):11. View the screening tool.

Contact us

If you didn't find the time critical medication help you needed on this page, contact us at [email protected] and we will be happy to help.