There's currently no cure for Parkinson's. But there are lots of ways to manage your symptoms and continue to live well in daily life with the condition.
From diet and physical activity and exercise, to getting out and about, this information will help you feel in control of daily life.
More about my Parkinson’s
There are over 40 symptoms of Parkinson’s. Everyone’s experience is different.
Learn more about how Parkinson's may progress.
Medication, treatments and therapies may help you manage the condition.
Symptoms can become more complex and have more of an effect on your day-to-day life.
Find local groups, support and social activities
There is lots of in-person and online support to help you live well with Parkinson’s. Search to find your nearest local group, emotional and practical support, health and wellbeing services or social activities.
Parkinson's UK Tech Guide
The Tech Guide is the place to find consistent and reliable information about devices and apps that could help you live well with Parkinson’s.
Helpline and Parkinson’s advisers
Our helpline and Parkinson's advisers are here to answer any questions you have about any aspect of life with Parkinson's.
Call us on 0808 800 0303.