A donation today will make a difference to the lives of everybody living with Parkinson's, like Amanda.
could fund a place for a health care professional on our introductory online education courses, meaning they can offer better support to people with Parkinson's.
could go towards a digital imaging system which is used to capture and study images of brain tissue donations.
could fund the call handling technology for a day on our Helpline, meaning anyone who needs support can access it.
Meet Amanda
Amanda was driving to Cornwall with her dogs when she noticed a shake in her arm. She consulted a GP and was diagnosed with Parkinson's in 2021, 18 months after first seeing the GP.
"The neurologist told me that I had Parkinson's, and 'threw' loads of information at me. I just couldn't absorb it all in that moment. You literally just know you have got this condition. It's not going to get better and it's only going to get worse."
Since her diagnosis, Amanda has helped raise awareness of young-onset Parkinson's, after she suspected she developed the condition in her 30s.
"People aren't aware of the myriad of other symptoms that are underneath the 'iceberg'. The tremor, stoop, shuffling. But actually, there's a huge list of symptoms below the surface, the unseen ones. Parkinson's is much more than a tremor.
Amanda is looking to connect with her local adviser and has accessed the exercise videos produced by the charity.
"Every person who I've had dealings with at Parkinson's UK has been so friendly and welcoming that I kind of see you as my bubble wrap crew!"
To Amanda, new treatments and a cure means everything.
"The thought of better treatments or a cure, would be the best gift. Although we are able to improve our potential futures through exercise, which is the only factor so far proven to help slow progression, there are still no guarantees of a bright future. Developments in Parkinson's treatments, and the possibility of one day finding a cure, would offer hope and a light at the end of the tunnel."
Will you help give hope to people like Amanda?
Your donations make a difference
This year, thousands of people have already generously made a donation. This meant nearly 12,000 people like Amanda, could find support from Local Advisers. Enough to fill No. 1 Court at Wimbledon.
For every Parkinson's journey. We'll be here.
Your gift could do even more
Your donations can make an even bigger difference with a monthly gift. Setting up a monthly gift means we can plan ahead and invest in long-term projects. It will ensure our support services keep running.
Set up and manage your regular gift and find out more about what we'll achieve.
Gifts in Wills
Are you an Executor of someone’s estate? We are very grateful to you for all the work you are doing to help fulfil the wishes of our supporters.
Please contact our Legacies team on 020 7963 9393 or by emailing legacies@parkinsons.