Lack of public understanding can make simple things like getting the bus, going to work, or even heading out to the pub with friends daunting for people with Parkinson's.
But small actions can make a big impact, and your organisation can make a huge difference.
What does the session involve?
- The short, narrated session includes video content with activities tailored for different customer-facing settings, including retail, hospitality, transport, airports and for those who employ or work with someone with the condition.
- Supported by a guide, the session is easy to follow and self-contained, and requires no prior knowledge of Parkinson's.
- It can fit alongside your organisation's own staff training programmes. All you need is good internet connection, a screen and audio.
Who's it for?
The session is great for anyone who delivers work-based training, such as inductions, equality and diversity, customer service or elements of the UK's Equality Act 2010 (or Northern Ireland's Disability Discrimination Act).
Sign up now
Ready to introduce the training in your workplace?
Email [email protected] and we'll be in touch.
Success story: Transport for London
Read how we've been working with Transport for London to test out our awareness session.
Success story: OCS at Gatwick Airport
Find out how our training session for airport and airline staff has helped Gatwick Airport improve its service for people with Parkinson's.