How to send us your fundraising
Thank you for fundraising for Parkinson’s UK. There are several simple ways to send in your donations.
Donate directly on our website. Donating this way is easy, secure and efficient.
If you’ve used an online fundraising platform such as JustGiving or a Parkinson's UK fundraising page, the money is sent directly to us so you don't need to do anything.
Direct bank transfer
To pay in your fundraising into our bank account simply contact our Supporter Care team on 0800 138 6593 or [email protected]. You will need to fill in a short form to complete a bank transfer.
By phone
To pay in your fundraising over the phone, with a credit or debit card, please call our Supporter Care team on 0800 138 6593.
By post
To pay in your fundraising via cheque please ensure it is made payable to Parkinson’s UK. Please include a cover letter or sponsorship forms if applicable.
All cheques must be sent to our head office:
Supporter Care Team, Parkinson’s UK
50 Broadway
Please don't send cash directly through the post. If you want to send us any cash donations you've received, please pay them into your bank account and then send us a cheque or pay online or by phone.
We also accept Charity Aid Foundation (CAF) vouchers and postal orders.
Continue the journey
We’d love you to take on a new challenge this year. Whether it’s a run, a swim or a coffee morning, you can help us raise vital funds for people with Parkinson's.