Campaigning for free prescriptions

People with Parkinson's in England who are under 60 have to pay for their prescriptions. We don't believe this is right or fair, so we're campaigning with other health charities and professional organisations for change.

We know prescription charges are a barrier to people with Parkinson's taking their medication in England.

Unfair exemption list

The UK government's medical exemption list states that children, those over 60, pregnant women and people with some medical conditions don't have to pay for their medicines. 

The list was created almost 60 years ago, and is out of date. It is unacceptable that people with Parkinson's are not included.

We campaign on this issue as the Chair of the Prescription Charges Coalition, an alliance of over 50 organisations campaigning for the charge to be scrapped for people with long-term conditions in England.

As leaders of the coalition we are calling for:

  • the government to freeze the charge for 2025
  • an urgent independent review of the prescription charge exemption list 
  • information to be given routinely to people with long-term conditions about prescription charge exemptions, the Prescription Prepayment Certificate and the NHS Low Income Scheme
  • prescribers to stop reducing the duration of prescriptions, as this prices people out of affording their vital medicines.

Wendy's story

"I was diagnosed with Parkinson's in my 50s. I’m in a dire situation with money. I wouldn’t even say I’m struggling, I’ve gone past that. I live in a rural area and I need a car, which costs a lot of money. Without that I couldn’t get to the shops and pick up my prescriptions. 

"Parkinson's UK has given me a grant for a food voucher and to cover my prescription charges. Before that I got a prepayment certificate for my prescriptions. It’s about £11/12 a month, but it's an expense that I could do without. 

"The price rise has just got me at my wits end. People with Parkinson’s shouldn’t have to pay for their own prescriptions. I’d love to know who decides who is exempt and who isn’t. I don’t understand it."

Survey reveals charges are a barrier to keeping people well

A survey of over 4,000 people with long-term conditions, including those with Parkinson’s, on prescription charges, has found the charge is a barrier to accessing medicine.

People with long-term conditions are not picking up all of their medicines or skipping some, as they can't afford them and this means their health is worse, they have to take time off work as a result and they're relying more on NHS services.

Keep up to date

You can get more information about the coalition on the Prescription Charges Coalition website.