Apply for an Educational Bursary (England, Wales and Northern Ireland)

Important information about our Bursary Scheme

  • You're about to apply for a Rosemary Maguire educational bursary. 

  • This bursary is for health or social care professionals who want to attend a conference or undertake training and need some financial assistance. The bursary is typically used to contribute towards conference or course fees and associated travel or accommodation.

  • We're unable to support applications for course fees for courses, events or conferences sponsored by Parkinson's UK or the Parkinson's UK Excellence Network. We can support applications to support travel and accommodation costs for these events.

    For example, we provide sponsorship to a number of courses including the Neurology Academy Parkinson's Foundation and Advanced MasterClasses and National Centre of Rehabilitation Education (NCORE) provided by the University Hospitals of Derby and Burton NHS Foundation Trust.

  • If you need more space when completing a longer paragraph, please click and drag on the 2 diagonal lines found in the text box on the right bottom corner. 
  • Contact us at [email protected] for further information if you're unsure about your eligibility for a bursary.

At Parkinson’s UK we want to be very clear about how we use, store and protect your personal data, which you can read about at We will not sell your details to third parties. If you would like to change your preferences please let us know by emailing.

Section 1. Your contact details

1. Your contact details

Full name
Job Title
Organisation or Employer
Full work address
Line Manager's name

Section 2. Details and costs of course, event or conference 

2. Details of course, event or conference 

Title of course, event or conference 
Start date
Completion date

3. What do you intend to use the bursary for?
(Tick all that apply)

(Tick all that apply)

4. Breakdown of totals costs incurred. 
How much will the course, event or conference cost you in total?
(If not applicable, please type £0)

Travel (total amount)
Accommodation (total amount)
Course, event or conference (total amount)
Other (total amount)

5. How much are you requesting from Rosemary Maguire educational bursary to cover?

Course, event or conference 

Please add up all the costs provided under question 5 and provide the total sum requested here.

Section 3. Bursary Application

6. What are your main objectives in attending the course, event or conference? (<300 words)

This is an opportunity to tell us:

  • What are your professional goals?
  • How will the new skills and/or knowledge be useful in your present job?
  • How will this benefit your individual practice and/or personal development?
  • How will this benefit the wider Parkinson's service?

7. How will attending this course, event or conference benefit your patients or clients and the wider Parkinson's community?

This is an opportunity to tell us:

  • How many people will it impact?
  • How will your learning directly impact your practice?

Section 4. Appendix

Section 5. Declarations and submission

Have you submitted (or plan to submit) this proposal, or a similar proposal, to Parkinson's UK or another funding agency?
If 'yes', please state the name of the organisation, the date of the application and the outcome (if known). If no decision has been reached, please state when one is expected.

Please ensure that you have completed all the applicable sections and questions and uploaded any attachments to the relevant destination before you click on the "Submit" button.

Upon completion of this application:

1. Once submitted, your application will be reviewed and discussed by the educational bursary panel. The panel meets every six weeks and you will be notified of the outcome of your application via email.

2. If your application is successful, payment will be made via BACS. You will be required to share with us any relevant payment information so that this can be processed by our payments team.

For any queries in the meantime, please email the Service Improvement team at [email protected]