Resources for treasurers

Here you'll find the documents and resources to support treasurers or volunteers responsible for the financial activity of their Parkinson's UK local group.

This guidance covers the policies and procedures local groups need to follow to make sure Parkinson's UK meets the legal requirements of the Charity Commission, Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator, accounting standards, Company Law and HM Revenue & Customs. 

These policies and procedures will also enable local groups to meet the Local Group Operating Framework.

The Local Group directory has been updated to incorporate the Local Finance Guide. All local finance volunteers will also need to read the sections linked in the below document.


This electronic cashbook template includes a treasurer's report and bank reconciliation. The report updates automatically when you enter data into the cash sheets. It can be printed off to update your group and should be verified by one other group member.

A sample of the declaration form and forms 1 to 3 for your reference. These forms should not be used and are for information only.

We will send out forms unique to your group each November.

This template can be used by your group to keep a record of all equipment or physical assets owned by the group.

This template may assist the budgeting and planning process.

If you keep a cashbook by hand please use this template to reconcile your bank and cashbook.

If you keep a cashbook by hand these A3 cash sheet templates will help you record income and expenditure under the same headings as the Annual Financial Return. Find out how to order them

This template is really helpful when you are counting cash from events or collections.

Fed up of receiving expenses claims on the back of an envelope? This template can be used instead. Hand it out to volunteers who want to claim expenses from your group, then you will have good clear documentation to support expense claims.

This is the standard Gift Aid declaration for the charity. If a donor wishes us to claim Gift Aid on their donation, ask them to fill in this form.

Please always complete this form and attach to any Gift Aid claims sent to head office by your group.

We provide sponsorship forms in line with regulations for us to claim Gift Aid. Please send an email to [email protected] to request your forms.

If your group holds petty cash, keeping a copy of this (with the cash) may help you keep track of any movements, as all payments should be recorded on the template.

Whenever you are sending funds to UK office, either to be held on behalf of your group or when making a transfer to support centrally funded programmes, please complete a copy of this form and send it in along with a cheque for the total.

This will help ensure the money is recorded as being from your group and that it goes to the correct place.

It is important that all signatories are aware of their duties and responsibilities. Please distribute this sheet to all signatories on your group's bank account.

Any questions?

If you have any questions about the guide, forms or templates please get in touch with our Group Network Finance team on 020 7932 1324 or [email protected]