How to manage excessive sweating in Parkinson's

People with Parkinson’s may have problems with the part of the nervous system that controls sweating. This can lead to excessive sweating (known as hyperhidrosis). 

Excessive sweating can be distressing, but there are things you can do to help keep it under control.


Try to identify any food or drinks that may trigger sweating (these may include alcohol, caffeine or spicy foods).


Use an antiperspirant frequently to reduce sweating (a deodorant will only reduce odour).


Don’t wear clothes that are tight-fitting or made of synthetic materials (eg nylon). Wear clothes that don’t show sweat marks.


Dress shields (also known as armpit or sweat shields) can help absorb excess sweat and protect your clothes. Your pharmacist may be able to advise you where you can purchase them from or you could look online.


Wear socks that are made of natural fibres, such as cotton, or sports socks that are designed to absorb moisture. Change your socks twice a day if possible.


Wear leather shoes and change them (or take them off) often.


Try to avoid situations that may trigger sweating, such as crowded rooms or situations you may find stressful.

If these suggestions don’t work, or if you feel your symptoms are having a major impact on your life, speak to your GP, specialist or Parkinson’s nurse. They may be able to suggest medication or other treatments, like Botox injections, to help you control the sweating. 

Read more about skin and sweating problems in Parkinson's.