Pharmacists - what you need to know about Parkinson's

This free 15-minute online, interactive short course about Parkinson's has been designed specifically for pharmacists.

15 Minutes
Event / learning type
Continuing professional development

Who is the course for?

Pharmacists and those in the pharmacy workforce.

How does it work?

This 15- minute course provides a background to understanding Parkinson’s and discusses specific aspects of the condition that are of direct relevance to pharmacists. This course has been developed to assist pharmacists in continuing to support people with Parkinson’s, as effectively as possible.

What will participants learn?

The course covers the following areas:

  • What Parkinson's is
  • Common symptoms
  • Drug therapy for Parkinson's
  • Medication side effects

By the end of the course you will have:

  • Knowledge of the common symptoms of Parkinson's (both motor and non-motor)
  • An understanding of some of the challenges and side effects associated with drug therapy for Parkinson's
  • An awareness of opportunities for further support