Speech and language therapy

Some people with Parkinson’s have problems with their speech and communication. This information looks at what difficulties you may experience and how speech and language therapy can help.

Speech and language therapists specialise in all aspects of communication. This includes speech, using technology, and facial expression and body language.

They are part of the team of healthcare professionals who can help you manage
your condition.

They will help with any swallowing and communication problems you may experience. For example, putting your thoughts into words, communicating your ideas to others and understanding what others are saying. They will be able to give you techniques or tips to help reduce problems and help you prevent them from happening.

In the early stages of Parkinson’s, a speech and language therapist will focus on maintaining as much of your communication ability as possible.

They will develop strategies and exercises to help you with your volume and speed of speech, breathing, facial expressions and articulation (saying words clearly).

A speech and language therapist will also ask about the different settings you communicate in, as they can play an important part in how your problems affect your everyday life.

They can help you, for example, if you work in a very noisy office where a soft or quiet voice is difficult to hear, or if you work in a very quiet environment that might not lend itself to speaking loudly.

Your therapist can also help you with any problems you have with eating and drinking, such as drooling and difficulty swallowing. They may suggest small pieces of equipment and special tools to help. For example, a device that prompts you to swallow.

If communicating becomes very difficult for you, a speech and language therapist can give you advice on ways to cope. They will be able to recommend tools that support spoken communication or offer a different way of communicating in certain situations, and train you and your family and/or carer to use them.

This may simply mean recommending that you carry a piece of paper and pencil, or a book with key words and pictures in that you can point to, or using email to communicate with people, where possible.

A speech therapist may also recommend that you use technology, such as a computer, voice amplifier or an app (computer applications or programs designed to do a specific action) on your mobile phone or tablet. There are apps available that help you to produce words or sentences, amplify your voice or ‘clean up’ unclear speech.

Clinical guidelines say that people with Parkinson’s should have access to speech and language therapy, and we recommend that you speak to a therapist as soon as you can after you’ve been diagnosed.

Even if you aren’t experiencing any specific problems, a speech and language therapist can give you useful information about problems that may occur in future, how to spot them and what can be done about them. 

A therapist may also spot subtle changes you might not be aware of. This will help you cope with the problem before it becomes more difficult to manage.

Your first appointment is likely to involve an assessment. This will give your therapist an idea of what treatment you need.

The therapy that you receive and the number of sessions you have will depend on your individual needs, your preferences and the resources available.

Speech and language therapists can give family and friends detailed explanations about voice and speech changes. They can also give carers or family members strategies and tips to help a person with Parkinson’s to communicate more effectively.

These may include simple things such as watching a speaker’s face while they are talking and limiting background noise. This may also involve discussing strategies to solve communication problems when the person with Parkinson’s or their carer are unable to make themselves understood.

Therapists can give carers and family members advice on how to spot the signs that someone is having problems eating or drinking.

Your GP or Parkinson’s nurse can refer you to a speech and language therapist, or you can refer yourself. Under the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists’ ‘Communicating Quality’ guidelines, all speech and language therapy should be available through self-referral to the local hospital trust or community therapy team.

However, not all speech and language therapists are specialists in Parkinson’s, so make sure you ask to see someone who has experience of working with people living with the condition.

It can be helpful to be referred by a healthcare professional, because the speech and language therapist will then have a point of contact for medical information. Medical referrals are often required for swallowing assessment and treatment.

You can also pay for private speech and language therapy. You may have this individually or within a group. If you're interested in finding a private speech and language therapist in your area, contact The Association of Speech and Language Therapists in Independent Practice.

You can also contact your Parkinson's local adviser for details of speech and language therapy services in your area.

If you're having problems speaking, Parkinson’s medication, such as levodopa, might help improve the volume or clarity of your speech. Speak to your specialist or Parkinson’s nurse for more information.

If you have Parkinson’s, it's important to take your Parkinson’s medication as advised by your specialist or Parkinson’s nurse. Taking your medication for Parkinson’s at the right time will help you to manage your symptoms more effectively.

There are also practical things you can do that may help you train your voice. These include, for example, trying to imagine that you're speaking in a bigger room than you are or to a larger group of people. You could also imagine that the listener is further away than they are. Tricks like this can help you to speak more clearly and loudly.

To find out more, see our information on speech and communication problems in Parkinson’s.

The Lee Silverman Voice Treatment is a type of speech therapy developed specifically for people with Parkinson’s.

The programme helps people to recognise that their voice is too quiet and trains them to speak more loudly. It is an intensive treatment programme and requires daily therapy and homework, with 16 sessions over a month, each lasting up to an hour.

There is evidence to support the benefits of the treatment. Unfortunately, however, it isn’t available everywhere – check with your speech and language therapist if it’s available in your area.

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Speech and language therapy and Parkinson's (PDF, 156KB) 

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Last updated

Next update due 2026 

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