Continuing Healthcare Alliance

The Continuing Healthcare Alliance is a group of 20 charities and organisations who believe that NHS continuing healthcare needs to improve.

We aim to make continuing healthcare fairer and easier to access for those who need it most.

What do we do?

The charities work together to investigate what's wrong with the current continuing healthcare system. We meet with NHS England and other national bodies to share what needs to improve.

We work with local decision makers to recognise the importance of improving continuing healthcare. And we campaign to improve the system, as we don't want anyone left without the support they so desperately need.

What is NHS continuing healthcare?

NHS continuing healthcare – also known as NHS continuing care or NHS CHC – is free healthcare provided outside of hospital that is arranged and funded by the NHS.

It may include paying for care costs typically funded by a local authority under the banner of social care, such as fees for a care home, but where these arise due to a specific health need.

When delivered effectively, it can enable people to go on living as full a life as possible. It can also have the benefit of reducing anxiety and minimising pressure on family and friends.

What we've achieved?

Working together we have influenced NHS England and local health bodies to:

  • Provide funding for 90 minutes free advocacy.
  • Improve their policies and practice.
  • Provide face-to-face assessments, where required.

Who are our members?

These charities provide advice and guidance to their supporters on a range of topics, including NHS continuing healthcare. Follow the links below to find out how you can get support from them.

Ann and Bill's story

Ann's husband Bill was diagnosed with Parkinson's in 1997.

In this animation, she explains the struggles she had in accessing continuing healthcare.

New guidance published on Previously Unassessed Periods of Care (PUPoC)

The Department of Health and Social Care has issued new guidelines on PUPoC for CHC. 

These new PUPoC guidelines enable Integrated Care Boards to consider eligibility for a past period of CHC, even for those who did not apply, but think they are entitled to funding.

However, the Alliance urges families to know their rights as the new guidance could see "no win, no fee" companies cash in on backdated care claims.

Do you need support to get continuing healthcare?

Beacon can help you access the support you're entitled to.