Parkinson's is a progressive neurological condition. This means that it causes problems in the brain and gets worse over time.
There are many potential signs and symptoms of Parkinson’s and each person can experience them differently.
Support for you
Whether you're worried about money or need help managing your Parkinson's, we're here to help you find the right support.
Our specialist adviser team can provide information about any aspect of living with Parkinson's. This includes advice and support on accessing health services or benefits.
Cost of living support
If you have Parkinson’s or care for someone who does, you might be concerned about the current cost of living crisis. But there is help out there. And we can help you find what’s available to you.
From benefits and grants to loans and other support, we're here to help you find what you need to live well with Parkinson's.
We're here for you
There are lots of ways to manage the ongoing issues and challenges of life with Parkinson’s.
If you care for a partner, friend or family member with Parkinson's, we're here for you too.
Find local groups, support and social activities
There is lots of in-person and online support to help you live well with Parkinson’s. Search to find your nearest local group, emotional and practical support, health and wellbeing services or social activities.
Need Parkinson's information in other formats and languages?
We produce a range of resources in other languages, as well as accessible formats, such as large print, audio CDs and easy-read.
You can also order printed copies of our information, which are completely free of charge if you live in the UK.
Helpline and Parkinson's advisers
Our Parkinson's advisers can support anyone with Parkinson's, their family or carer. Call 0808 800 0303 to get in touch.
Read real life stories and tips from our readers, experts and professionals in the Parkinson’s community.
Call companions
Living with Parkinson's, or caring for someone who does, can feel isolating. But you're not alone.
We're working with Re-engage to offer people with Parkinson's, and the people who care for them, a free telephone befriending service.